Have you ever put your foot in your mouth because of your words? *raising hand* I have. And it sucks. Living with a mental illness is a struggle that most people cannot see. To most folks, Sam looks like a regular guy. A guy who has a dog with him in public for a disability they may not even understand. PTSD makes certain things harder than … [Read more...]
What Not to Say to Someone with a Mental Illness
Have you ever put your foot in your mouth because of your words? *raising hand* I have. And it sucks. Living with a mental illness is a struggle that most people cannot see. To most folks, Sam looks like a regular guy. A guy who has a dog with him in public for a disability they may not even understand. PTSD makes certain things harder than … [Read more...]
Why We Are Cautious on the 4th of July…
Anniversary dates are common for some service members. They may recall the date they enlisted, basic training, their first deployment, their last deployment, injuries, losses, and even retirement. I know there are other anniversaries too--the first date, wedding date, the list could go on. This time of year, within the last couple of years, I … [Read more...]