TGIF! Happy Friday! Woo hoo! A new season of Ozark starts on Netflix…
I should be super glad it is Friday. I should be happy the weekend is near. But…
I’m not.
Oliver is home with me and running a slight fever. Because daycare has a fever check, he did not pass. Our routine is off. He’s teething and seems grumpy.
So Mama was grumpy.
Then this image came across my Facebook timeline.

Boy, did I need that.
I needed love. I needed grace. I also need some breakfast, but my point is during these stressful times, we should take a moment to breathe.
Unclench your jaw.
Check your pulse.
Check your posture. Let go of that tension.
Drink water. Or coffee. Just keep hydrated.
Look up at the sky and thank the good lord above you’ve made it another day.

So, today I’ll take baby cuddles and snuggles. Because one day this baby won’t fit just right in my lap.
Today I’ll take time to breathe and enjoy the nice weather.
I’ll be thankful for friends and technology. And be happy with texting, FaceTime, and Marco Polo.
I’ll show myself love and grace.
Happy Friday, friends. Be safe.