This post comes from Memorial Hospital of Carbondale (antipartum unit). This is a familiar place as I have been here before–back in February for a few days before heading to Barnes.
This visit makes the third time I have stayed in the hospital during this pregnancy.
It is not easy.
On Thursday we had a trip to Barnes for an outpatient visit. This has been part of our routine with doctor visits since February. We would take a day to travel to Barnes for an ultrasound and OB visit. Thursday started out like a normal day, despite the rainy weather, I felt pretty good.
My blood pressure was good, I took my meds and we were on our way.
The ultrasound went well . We found out Baby H weighs 4 pounds and 10 ounces, so he’s
Once I hit the OB visit, my blood pressure had spiked. At the time, it wasn’t bad enough for admission, but something to watch. It is hard dealing with blood pressure issues and never knowing why there is a spike, even with meds, so we were told if it got worse to contact our doctors at home.
We left Barnes a little excited knowing that was our last OB visit there (unless there were serious complications). We visited Buy Buy Baby, Twisted
I noticed going home I was exhausted, which is sometimes typical. But, I could also tell that maybe I was little too exhausted. Once we got home that prompted an immediate blood pressure check and it was not good.
By the time we got home, I took my evening BP meds, waited to see if they would kick in, and after about an hour, we ended up at Memorial.
And I’ve been here since.
I know this is the place to be for care and for observation, but it is hard. Just this past weekend, K went to her first high school prom. She and her BF stopped by, which made my day to see her and him in their prom best. I got a lot of great photos throughout the night and updates about the dinner, dance, and events. Part of me was sad I missed seeing her get ready, taking pictures outside of a hospital room, and going to the promenade. Part of me was annoyed that I couldn’t be two places at oncee.
Baby H needs to bake. Simply put, we need to make it to 37 weeks. At one point, we thought we would be seeing our baby boy much earlier (like over the weekend) and to be honest, I was not prepared for that mentally or physically.
I desperately want my body to cooperate. I have to keep this blood pressure regulated and make sure I can handle day to day activities without the spike that is so dangerous to baby and me.
So for now, we wait. We hope and pray the medicine works to keep the blood pressure regulated, we hope and pray Baby H stays put and bakes longer, and I hope that while I am here I can stay off magnesium. It takes a lot out of me, but I need it when the BP is dangerously high.
In the meantime, I can’t thank you all enough for your thoughts, prayers, well-wishes, good vibes, visits, calls, and text messages. It is so nice to read the comments (or have Sam share them with me). It is so great to have familiar faces come by for
What is your due date? Are you on regular blood pressure meds or something specific for pregnancy? It’s hard to remain calm under the circumstances but you must. My last pregnancy was stressful because I had placenta previa and he could have been born anytime from 6 months on. Guess what-he was 18 days late and over 9 pounds. It was hard to do what I was told, but it really paid off. I was home but had an 8 year old and a 4 year old. Keep that bun in the oven as long as possible. I will hope for the best for ALL of you.
So glad to hear all that’s going on. You know us Mamas, we like details?? sounds like you’re right where you need to be. I know Sam is taking care of everything even getting your pretty daughter ready for Prom. She looked beautiful! We are still praying for you every morning. You will be on our list as long as needed❤️❤️
Praying for you….
Loved seeing you both! Looking forward to the next visit !
Catherine I expect you know all about breathing…..want some reading?