There are just some days that make me want to curl up with a blanket, build a blanket fort, and forget that I am adult and I may have to do ‘adult things’ like work, go to work every day, pay bills, clean house, and cook meals.
Some days I am really stressed. This week has been stressful to start. I teach college writing. I love my job. I love the students I am working with this semester, but my goodness. My body is not adjusting well to my schedule and classes just yet.
I feel underprepared for the fall semester. I still need to work on lesson plans, writing assignment prompts, and notes for my students. I need to read chapters in their textbook to refresh my memory and I need to find supplemental readings for them.
But there are only so many hours in a day.
So, instead of being stressed and worried (and making myself feel like I don’t have it all together), I am working on small tasks, tackling one course at a time. Funny, this is advice I give my students…(tackle one thing at a time). I’m working on not being stressed, rather, I am remembering I am blessed.
Today I’m grateful for pineapple salsa, Marco Polo, and my friends.
That sounds so bizarre, I know, but little things sometimes help us. Little things remind us that we are going to be okay.
So, my snack with my work started out at 11 a.m. this morning (because I’m trying to manage my time well). Pineapple salsa and chips for the WIN, my friends. After a few bites, my mood improved. Maybe I was hangry, or maybe I can appreciate some good salsa, but I suddenly felt like I could tackle anything that came my way (work tasks, I’m looking at you).
Marco Polo is an app that lets you communicate with a person one-on-one or a group chat. It is actually called a video walkie-talkie. I have had some good, genuine conversations with friends on that app, and when I took a break from working (because I can’t sit still for eight hours and complete all the things), I found myself thankful for an app and the time away from a task to have a delightful conversation.
My friends let me vent about work and the stress I am dealing with, and today, on a chaotic workday, I appreciate that more than they will know.
Friends are gems, they keep us going. Today, my mood has improved with small things: food, friendships, and fun. And not to mention, some pretty cute dogs hanging out at the house. I encourage you to take joy in the little things, find time to spend with your friends, and enjoy a good conversation with someone; you never know how much it can improve your mood, your health, and your overall well-being!
Today I am thankful for pineapple salsa, Marco Polo, and my friends. <3