Have you ever put your foot in your mouth because of your words? *raising hand* I have. And it sucks. Living with a mental illness is a struggle that most people cannot see. To most folks, Sam looks like a regular guy. A guy who has a dog with him in public for a disability they may not even understand. PTSD makes certain things harder than … [Read more...]
Archives for December 2017
Just A Dog…
I had a totally different post in mind for today...then I found something on Facebook and I just had to change my initial post. Here's a poem (thanks, Beth for sharing) that really struck a cord with me. I hope, if you have a dog, or if you just don't get why people are so into their dogs, you'll take a few minutes to read this... From time … [Read more...]
Seasonal Stress
Sometimes I feel guilty saying this is "the most wonderful time of the year." The holidays have always been a time that I long for or look forward to, but that changed in 2010. It took several years to enjoy the holidays again. And now, there are days where holiday cheer is replaced with walking on egg shells. Days where I see Sam drift and know … [Read more...]