I have a strong dislike for liars.
I have a problem when someone asks my husband, “what’s your disability?”
It even bothers me when people follow us through a store because there’s a service dog with us.
Our local news station did a piece on the problem of fake service dogs. Sam and Memphis, along with This Able Veteran were featured.
What baffles me is there are folks out there who suggest this is complaining.
I’ll be honest. My husband has every right to ask someone if their dog is a service dog–especially if it is barking non-stop, not performing a task or assisting their owner/handler, or if it is a pet with a $80 vest just because their owner doesn’t want to leave the dog at home.
It is wrong for someone to pass their pet off as a service animal because they feel bad about leaving their pet at home.
It’s also wrong to ask someone what their disability is and why they “got a dog in the first place.”
Look. I get it. I really do. Pets are part of our family. They are like kids to some. We have two other dogs in our home. And you know what. They don’t travel with us. They don’t have vests, they aren’t trained to assist Sam, and they aren’t service animals.
Sam has been questioned about Memphis. And just like the clip reports, it takes thousands of dollars and hours upon hours of training to get these service dogs ready for their veterans. Their vests are not from Amazon.
Sam has been asked what is wrong with him, if his dog is a drug dog, why he has all of his limbs, if his dog was in the military, if he has PTSD, does the dog go everywhere he goes, and he’s even been asked to show papers on his highly trained service dog.
I’ve written about this before, and it seems that lately there’s such a problem of these fake dogs. Even people at the VA, of all places, try to bring pets on property.
You wouldn’t go up to someone in a wheelchair and ask if they really needed it, if they could get up so you could ride in it, or what’s wrong with them, so please don’t do that to someone who has a trained service dog.
I saw a woman in TJ Maxx carry in a chihuahua. It had a sweater with rhinestones on. I asked if that was her service dog. She said yes.
I walked away. That moment was real life.
And yet people think my husband is complaining.
Get real.
If you could glimpse into a day for Sam, see what he sees, remember what he does about war, death, and guilt, you’d realize that having a service dog is key to his success in moving forward with his trauma.
If you could see how most nights are restless or sleepless because of intrusive dreams, nightmares, cold sweats, talking in sleep, and see that Memphis senses that, you’d realize that a pet couldn’t perform nightmare interruptions.
And it’s not just Sam, y’all. There are other veterans out there who have highly trained, specifically trained service dogs. They need those dogs. Those dogs are not pets.
So please, be courteous around folks with real service dogs. You wouldn’t say they were complaining if you understood the constant hell they battle on a daily basis. The last thing they want to endure or hear is “so you have a service dog, is it real?” Or “I have a dog just like that. Mines a service dog too.” You wouldn’t ask about their wounds, or their limbs being attached or not…
Because their invisible wounds…those are very real.
Memphis was trained by some amazing people. People who understand dogs and veterans. People who want to help our veterans work through, process, and live with trauma. He’s a joy, a blessing, and he’s Sam’a furry BFF. ❤️
Well stated, AGAIN! ! Unfortunately, you will likely feel the need to say it again, and again. And I know you will. Thank you for your dedication to Sam and our nations true heros.
How would you feel if, upon seeing Sam with Memphis, people who feel like interacting just said, “Thanks for your service.”
Might that be a good thing to train people to say when they see a service dog with a veteran-related patch on his or her vest?