Twas the day before traveling…and all through the house…Cathrine was packing.
Our house looks like a disaster…and honestly, I don’t even feel bad about it. We are in travel prep mode today! Tomorrow we fly out for Portland where I will be attending the 4C’s conference (Conference on College Composition and Communication). I am so excited…but you know what makes me a tiny bit nervous?
This morning Sam made a phone call to TSA Cares. After being put on hold yesterday after several calls, he decided to call first thing…because of traveling with Memphis, the TSA checkpoint can go smoothly for him. The agent was so nice. She asked a few questions about our flight, the various airports we would be coming to and from, and also asked Sam about his service (he also told her he was retired from the army). Tomorrow, when we get to Lambert in St. Louis, a TSA agent will meet us and escort Sam and Memphis through the security check.
That has helped settle my nerves a bit.
I have gum, mints, and even some Dramamine packed (you know, just incase), but I think the one comfort that I have too is knowing I will be seated with Sam and Memphis (we had to rearrange some seats). Knowing they will be with me calms my nerves.
Memphis has been on a little bit of a restricted diet…half a cup of food this morning and he will get a half a cup of food tonight…just so he won’t have any accidents (or run a real chance of having one) on the plane. Thank goodness for potty areas in the airports!
Reading other travelers adventures is also calming and helpful. Being kind in the airport can be challenging…but already, one TSA agent has helped out my husband so much (just from one phone call). If I ever meet her in person, I might hug her.
Due to the weather, a lot of folks might be rearranging travel plans, and that can be quite stressful at times. My friend Tim said it best, “Travel tips? 1) If your flight gets cancelled, it’s not the counter person’s fault…ever. She.he is going to have a worse day than you. Don’t take your frustration out on her/him. 2) Don’t wait in the counter person’s line. Call the airline immediately while you walk back to the front ticketing counter. 3) Breathe. Smile. Be kind…”
I love number 3.
Traveling makes me a little nervous…but I can’t be overly nervous for Sam because he will have some anxiety about boarding and getting ready for the flight with Memphis. Number 3 makes me remember that in all the chaos that might come with being at the airport, just remembering something simple can be so helpful.
Another tip that I received about traveling comes from my dear, sweet dad. “Just remember to be careful and have fun.”
I love that.
Major props to dad for being the “dog grandpa” for our other two dogs while we are gone. I noticed they have their own treats in the cabinet, and I think I even heard talk of a new toy or two last night…it is good to know they are in such good, loving hands while we are gone. Making arrangements for our other pets is something we always have to do if we are traveling. I may have to comfort them a little bit before we go, just so they know that we would take them if they could, but they will have a lot of fun with grandpa.
Traveling to a destination you have never been before can be nerve-wracking. Luckily, I have high school friends who have lived and currently live in the Portland area. Talk about great tips–they have recommended some really great food stops and places of interest. We also had a chance to talk with some family members who have vacationed in the area too—so much to do in so little time! Getting advice from travelers or family members can be very helpful.
So…today I pack. Tonight we prep for our trip. I can’t wait to see some of my conference friends again–and I can’t wait to make some memories on this vacation/spring break trip/conference trip with Sam and Memphis!
It is going to be so much fun—I just have to remember to smile, breathe, and be kind.
Memphis is almost ready—bathed yesterday, visited with grandpa and grandpa, annnnnd he got some new bandanas in the mail!