A person who freely offers to take part in an enterprise or undertake a task.
(Verb: to freely offer to do something.)
Did you know that volunteering can make a difference? In the life of anyone…
I recently signed up to volunteer at our local V.A. in Marion. Why? I love working with and talking with Veterans. I’ve put together a 12-week Creative Writing Program that I will hopefully help co-facilitate with Sam. Some of the prompts ask Veterans to write about their military experience, and some do not. I think it is important to let Veterans know that they can feel comfortable and safe in this environment to tell some of their war stories, but they also are not obligated to do so. I look forward to this journey and meeting some Veterans.
Have you ever volunteered for an organization or have you wanted to give some of your time to an organization? Maybe you’ve wanted to donate to an organization because you aren’t sure of what you could contribute…
Organizations or facilities that we have or are volunteering with:
This Able Veteran…Sam and I are going to assist with the planning, prep, and events on the day of the Color run…The Really Close to Almost 5K Color Run…sign-ups are open if you are interested in participating in this event! Check it out here: https://runsignup.com/Race/IL/Marion/5KColorRunforThisAbleVeteran
I am also helping with the planning of the Know More Conference that will take place in May. Please be on the lookout here on our website for more information!
TAV can also use some basic supplies that help with the care of puppies—paper towels, bleach, Petco gift cards, blankets, you can find information out about volunteering or ways to donate here: http://www.thisableveteran.org/how-you-can-help/
Marion VA Medical Center…to become a volunteer here, you have to get registered with Volunteer Services and go through some steps: paperwork, fingerprinting, background check, etc. You can volunteer or donate and find some information here: http://www.marion.va.gov/giving/
I can’t tell you how excited I am to start volunteering with the VA…I will definitely keep you posted on how it goes, and give you more information on volunteering as well!
I have heard stories of how the simple gesture of leaving books, even talking with Veterans can make their day…that’s a good feeling–knowing you’ve helped someone in need of a smile or just a friendly conversation.
Have a great weekend—we are hoping to get over some colds and a touch of the flu…here’s to a germ-free weekend!